Sunday, May 20, 2007

I'm back

Finally moved into my new place - set up my studio and I'm hard at work. I start teaching Drawing on Monday for the next 5 weeks. I'm nervous but excited. Here's a recent self portrait:

Got stuck in the terminal at Hoboken this week for 30 minutes. Made this sketch of three conductors at the shift change. I think it would make an interesting painting. I don't do justice to the Tiffany ticket window. The station ceiling is also covered with antique stained glass from the Tiffany workshop. I need to spend a day there capturing many places to go:


George G said...

Yay! PJ!

While I love the softness of the color in your self portrait, I have to say it doesn't quite capture how cute you actually are! ;p

George G said...

Ooh, I just clicked on it - it's huge! I love how you can see the colors more intensely. I'm also partial to your use of ultramarine for the shadows - I tend to use electric blues for the darkest shades myself. I'm not sure why. Must be a perceived reflected light thing...